Download product specification:SMO-P15.PDF FEATURES ● Excellent Linearity ● Extremely low noise ● Excellent flatness ● Switch CATV on/off ● PWDM ● AGC DESCRIPTION P15 CATV AGC Optical Receiver Module is a low power, but good performance optical receiver. AGC function make output level stably when in the range of -15~-5dBm. Small size which can be assembled in a small case. The output RF can be switched by I2C control. CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 45 to 900MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=5V,ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS S responsively V/W 0.9 - - λ=1550nm FL1 Flatness of frequency response dB - ±1.0 ±1.5 f=45 to 900 MHZ, wide band flatness FL2 Flatness of frequency dB 0 2.0 ±0.4 Narrow bandwidth per 7MHz SL Slope dB - - 4.0 f=45 to 900 MHZ S22 Output Return Loss dB - - -12 f=45 to 900 MHZ Itot Total Current Consumption mA 240 - 270 VB=5V Automatic Gain Control Receiving Power: -15-5dBm (According to customer requirements) Vo1 Output Voltage dBuV 73 75 77 Popt= -15~-5dBm @176.25MHz 42 channels T=25℃ OMI=4% per channel CTB Composite Triple Beat dB - - -57 Optical power- 0dBm 42channels PAL-D.176.25MHz OMI=4% per channel CSO Composite Second Order distortion dB - - -57 C- spurious Carrier to spurious dB 44 - - CNR Noise carrier rating dB 44 - - Optical power/- 8dBm 42channels PAL-D.176.25MHz OMI=4% per channel