1 results found for "AGC Optical Receiver Module"
  • catv amplifier module
    catv amplifier module
    HP80A-8 AGC CATV Optical Receiver Module
    Download product specification:HP80A-8.PDF  FEATURES ● Excellent linearity ● Extremely low noise ● Excellent flatness ● Standard CATV outline ● Rugged construction ● FC/APC SC/APC ● AGC   DESCRIPTION The HP80A-8AGC CATV Optical Receiver Module has an FC/APC or SC/APC Connector. The amplifier supply voltage pin Connect to 5V(DC) . The modules have a monomode optical input Suitable for 1300 to 1600nm wavelengths a terminal to monitor the photo diode current and an electrical Output having a characteristic. CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 40 to 1000MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=5V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS s responsively V/W 850 - ±0.75 λ=1300nm-1600nm FL Flatness of frequency response dB - - 81 f=40 to 1000 MHZ Vo Output Voltage dBuV 79 80 -63 Popt= -8 ~ +2dBm CTB Composite Triple Beat dB - - - 60 channels flat; measured at 543.25 MHz; Optical power receiving at–1dBm CSO Composite Second Order distortion dB - 50 - CNR Noise carraier rating dB - - - S22 Output Return Loss dB -12 - - f=40 to 1000 MHZ Itot Total Current Consumption dB 230 250 280 VB=5V The module normally operates at VB=5 V If you want to know more about our product details, Please reply to get E-catalog and FOC samples, thank you.

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