  • catv signal amplifier circuit diagram
    catv signal amplifier circuit diagram
    SMG3352R/CATV Reverse Amplifier Module
    SMG3352R.PDF FEATURES ● Si active devices ● Power gain @35dB ● Low distortion ● Excellent linear gain ● Low noise figure ● High reliability ● Low cost   DESCRIPTION The SMG3352R is a hybrid push-pull amplifier module. The part employs GaAs dies and is operated from 10 MHz to 300MHz with supply voltage +24V(DC).  CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 5 to 300MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=24V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS Gp Power Gain dB 34.5 - 35.8 f=10MHZ Gp Power Gain dB - 35 - f=300MHZ SL Slope cable equivalent dB -0.5 - +0.5 f=10 to 300MHZ FL Flatness of frequency response dB - - ±0.5 f=10to 300MHZ S11 Input Return Loss dB - - -18 f=10 to 300MHZ S22 Output Return Loss dB - - -18 f=10to 300MHZ CTB Composite Triple Beat dB - - -66 17channels flat; Vo=50dBmV; CSO Composite Second Order distortion dB - - -65 Xmod Cross Modulation dB - - -60 F Noise Figure dB - 4.3 - f=200 MHZ Itot Total Current Consumption mA 130 160 - VB=+24V The module normally operates at VB=24 V(±0.5), If you want to know more about our product details,Please reply to get E-Catelog and FOC samples,Thank you.
  • catv modulator for digital cable
    catv modulator for digital cable
    SMG6342/CATV GaAs Power Double Module
    SMG6342.PDF FEATURES ●GaAs active devices ● Power gain @34dB ● Low distortion ● Excellent linear gain ● Low noise figure ● High reliability side view ● Low cost   DESCRIPTION The SMG6342 is a GaAs hybrid push-pull amplifier module. The part employs GaAs dies and is operated from 50MHz to 550MHz with supply.  CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 50 to 550MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=24V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS Gp Power Gain dB 33.5 - 34.5 f=50MHZ Gp Power Gain dB - 35 - f=550MHZ SL Slope cable equivalent dB - - 2.0 f=50 to 550 MHZ FL Flatness of frequency response dB - - ±0.5 f=50 to 550 MHZ S11 Input Return Loss dB - - -16 f=50 to 550 MHZ S22 Output Return Loss dB - - -16 f=50 to 550 MHZ CTB Composite Triple Beat dB - - -62 PAL60channelsflat; Vo=44dBmV; CTB measured at 543.25 MHz; CSO measured at 544.5 MHz; CSO Composite Second Order distortion dB - - -63 Xmod Cross Modulation dB - - -55 Vo Output Voltage dBmV 60 - - dim=-60dB F Noise Figure dB - -4.0 - f=860 MHZ Itot Total Current Consumption mA 260 310 - VB=+24V If you want to know more about our product details,Please reply to get E-Catelog and FOC samples,Thank you.
  • 860 mhz catv amplifier
    860 mhz catv amplifier
    SMG8342M1/CATV GaAs Module
    SMG8342M1.PDF FEATURES ●GaAs active devices ● Power gain @34dB ● Low distortion ● Excellent linear gain ● Low noise figure ● High reliability ● Low cost   DESCRIPTION The SMG8342M1 is a GaAs module. The part employs GaAS dies and is operated from 50MHz to 870MHz with supply +24V( DC). CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 50 to 870MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=24V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS Gp Power Gain dB 34 - 35.5 f=50MHZ Gp Power Gain dB 37 - - f=860MHZ SL Slope cable equivalent dB 2.0 - 3.5 f=50 to 870 MHZ FL Flatness of frequency response dB - - ±0.5 f=50 to 870 MHZ S11 Input Return Loss dB - - -16 f=50 to 870 MHZ S22 Output Return Loss dB - - -16 f=50 to 870 MHZ CTB Composite Triple Beat dB - - -60 PAL60 channelsflat; Vo=44dBmV; CTB measured at 543.25 MHz; CSO measured at 544.5 MHz; CSO Composite Second Order distortion dB - - -60 Xmod Cross Modulation dB - - -55 Vo Output Voltage dBmV 58 - - dim=-60dB F Noise Figure dB - - 7.5 f=860 MHZ Itot Total Current Consumption mA 100 130 - VB=+24V The module normally operates at VB=24 V(±0.5), If you want to know more about our product details,Please reply to get E-Catelog and FOC samples,Thank you.
  • catv cable rf amplifier
    catv cable rf amplifier
    SMG8346/CATV GaAs/GaN Push-Pull Module
    SMG8346.PDF FEATURES ● GaAs active devices ● Power gain @34dB ● Low distortion ● Excellent linear gain ● Low noise figure ● High reliability side view ● Low cost   DESCRIPTION The SMG8346 is a GaAs hybrid push-pull amplifier module. The part employs GaAs dies and is operated from 50MHz to 870MHz with supply voltage +6v( DC). CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 50 to 870MHZ; Tmb=25,, VB=6V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS Power Gain dB 33.5 - 35 f=50MHZ Power Gain dB - 35 - f=860MHZ Slope cable equivalent dB 1.0 - 2.5 f=50 to 870 MHZ Flatness of frequency response dB - - ±0.5 f=50 to 870 MHZ Input Return Loss dB - - -16 f=50 to 870 MHZ Output Return Loss dB - - -16 f=50 to 870 MHZ Composite Triple Beat dB - - -62 PAL60channelsflat; Vo=44dBmV; CTB measured at 543.25 MHz; CSO measured at 544.5 MHz; Composite Second Order distortion dB - - -63 Cross Modulation dB - - -55 Output Voltage dBmV 60 - - dim=-60dB Noise Figure dB - -4.0 - f=860 MHZ Total Current Consumption mA 340 420 - VB=+6V The module normally operates at VB=6V(±0.5), If you want to know more about our product details,Please reply to get E-Catelog and FOC samples,Thank you.
  • catv broadband amplifier module
    catv broadband amplifier module
    SMO815M1/CATV GaAs Optical Receivers
    SMO815M1-SC.PDF FEATURES ● Excellent Linearity ● High Optical Input Power Range ● Excellent Flatness ● Optimal Reliability ● Low Noise ● Outline Standarding ● High reliability ● FC/APC SC/APC   DESCRIPTION The SMO815M1 has an FC/APC or SC/APC connector. The amplifier supply voltage pin is connected to 24V(DC) . The CATV GaAs Optical Receivers have a mono mode optical input suitable for 1290 to 1600nm wavelengths a terminal to monitor the photo diode current and an electrical output having a characteristic impedance of 75Ω. CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 40 to 870MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=24V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS S Responsivity V/W 850 - - λ=1300nm FL Flatness straight line dB - - ±0.75 f=40 to 870 MHZ Vo Output voltage dBμV - 88 - 60 channels flat; Measured at 543.25MHz; Optical power receiving at -1dbm CTB Composite triple beat dB -63 - - CSO Composite second order distortion dB -60 - - CNR Carrier to noise ratio dB -50 - - S22 Output return loss dB -10 - - f=40 to 870 MHZ Itot Total current consumption mA 100 - 130 VB=24V The module normally operates at VB=24V(±0.5) If you want to know more about our product details,Please reply to get E-Catelog and FOC samples,Thank you.
  • bets tv signal amplifier
    bets tv signal amplifier
    SMO1025/CATV GaAs Optical Receivers
    SMO1025.PDF FEATURES ● Excellent Linearity ● High Optical Input Power Range ● Excellent Flatness ● Optimal Reliability ● Low Noise ● Outline Standarding ● GaAs MMIC ● High reliability ● FC/APC SC/APC   DESCRIPTION The SMO1025 has an FC/APC or SC/APC connector. Pin Description The amplifier supply voltage pin is connected to 24V(DC) . The CATV GaAs Optical Receivers have a mono mode optical input suitable for 1290 to 1600nm wavelengths a terminal to monitor the photo diode current and an electrical output having a characteristic impedance of 75Ω. CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 40 to 1005MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=24V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS Responsivity V/W 850 - - λ=1300nm Flatness straight line dB - - ±0.75 f=40 to 1005 MHZ Output voltage dBμV - 88 - 110 channels flat; Popt= - 1dBm; CTB measured at 745.25 MHz; CSO measured at 746.5 MHz; Composite triple beat dB - -65 - Composite second order distortion dB - -63 - Carrier to noise ratio dB - -51 - Output return loss dB - -11 - f=40 to 1005 MHZ Total current consumption mA 240 - 290 VB=24V The module normally operates at VB=24 V(±0.5)
  • amplifiers for cable TV (CATV)
    amplifiers for cable TV (CATV)
    SMO1228/CATV GaAs Optical Receivers
    Download product specification:SMO1228.PDF FEATURES ● Excellent Linearity ● High Optical Input Power Range ● Excellent Flatness ● Optimal Reliability ● Low Noise ● Outline Standard ● GaAs MMIC ● High reliability ● FC/APC SC/APC   DESCRIPTION The SMO1228 has an FC/APC or SC/APC connector. Pin Description.The amplifier supply voltage pin is connected to 24V(DC) . The CATV GaAs Optical Receivers have a mono mode optical input suitable for 1290 to 1600nm wavelengths a terminal to monitor the photo diode current and an electrical output having a characteristic impedance of 75Ω. CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 40 to 1200MHZ; Tmb=25℃, VB=24V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS Response V/W 850 - - λ=1300nm Slope cable equivalent dB 0.5 - 1.5 f=40 to 1200 MHZ Flatness straight line dB - - ±0.75 f=40 to 1200 MHZ Output voltage dBμV - 93 - 110 channels flat; Popt= -1dBm; CTB measured at 547.25 MHz; CSO measured at 548.5 MHz; Composite triple beat dB - - -62 Composite second order distortion dB - - -63 Carrier to noise ratio dB 51 - - Output return loss dB - - -11 f=40 to 1200 MHZ Total current consumption mA 230 - 280 VB=24V The module normally operates at VB=24 V(±0.5) If you want to know about our product details,Please reply to get E-Catelog and FOC samples,Thank you.
  • Amplifier IC
    Amplifier IC
    SMO2506/CATV Optical Receivers
    Download product specification:SMO2506.PDF FEATURES ● Excellent Linearity ● High Optical Input Power Range ● Excellent Flatness ● Optimal Reliability ● Low Noise ● Outline Standarding ● FC/APC SC/APC   DESCRIPTION The SMO2506 has an FC/APC or SC/APC connector. Pin Description.The amplifier supply voltage pin is connected to 6V(DC) . The CATV Optical Receivers have a mono mode optical input suitable for 1290 to 1600nm wavelengths a terminal to monitor the photo diode current and an electrical output having a characteristic impedance of 75Ω. CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 40 to 870MHZ; Tmb=25  VB=6V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS Responsivity V/W 850 - - λ=1300nm Flatness straight line dB - - ±0.75 f=40 to 870 MHZ Output voltage dBµV - 93 - 60 channels flat; measured at 543.25 MHz; Optical power receiving at -1dBm  Composite triple beat dB 62 - - Composite second order distortion dB 55 - - Carrier to noise ratio dB 50 - - Output return loss dB 10 - - f=40 to 870 MHZ Total current consumption dB 220 - 270 VB=6V The module normally operates at VB=6 V(±0.5)
  • mmic amplifiers
    mmic amplifiers
    SMO3035/CATV Optical Receivers
    Download product specification:SMO3035.PDF FEATURES ● Excellent Linearit ● High Optical Input Power Range ● Excellent Flatness ● Optimal Reliability ● Low Noise ● Outline Standard ● FC/APC SC/APC   DESCRIPTION The SMO3035 has an FC/APC or SC/APC connector. The amplifier supply voltage pin is connected to 3.5V(DC).The modules have a mono mode optical input suitable for 1290 to 1600nm wavelengths a terminal to monitor the photo diode current and an electrical output having a characteristic impedance of 75Ω. CHARACTERISTICS (Bandwidth 40 to 870MHZ; T mb=25℃, VB=3.5V, ZS=ZL=75Ω) SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS S Responsivity V/W 850 - - λ=1310±20nm S Responsivity V/W 950 - - λ=1550±20nm FL Flatness straight line dB - - ±0.75 f=40 to 870 MHZ Vo Output voltage dBμV - 90 - 60 channels flat; OMI=3.5% measured at 543.25 MHz; Optical power receiving at 0dBm CTB Composite triple beat dB 70 - - CSO Composite second order distortion dB 65 - - CNR Carrier to noise ratio dB 50 - - S22 Output return loss dB -11 - - f=40 to 870 MHZ Itot Total current consumption mA 70 - 100 VB=3.5V The module normally operates at VB=3.5 V(±0.5)
  • catv amplifier ic
    catv amplifier ic
    SMO8256S/CATV Optical Receivers
    SMO8256S.PDF FEATURES ● Excellent Linearity ● High Optical Input Power Range ● Excellent Flatness ● Optimal Reliability ● Low Noise ● Outline Standarding ● FC/APC SC/APC   DESCRIPTION The SMO8256S CATV Optical Receivers has an FC/APC or SC/APC connector. Pin Description.The amplifier supply voltage pin is connected to 6V(DC) . The modules have a mono mode optical input suitable for 1290 to 1600nm wavelengths a terminal to monitor the photo diode current and an electrical output having a characteristic impedance of 75Ω. CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL PARAMETER UNIT MIN. TYP. MAX. CONDITIONS S Responsivity dB 850 - - λ=1300nm FL Flatness straight line dBμV - - ±0.75 f=40 to 870 MHZ 60 channels flat; measured at 543.25 MHz; Optical power receiving at 0dBm Vo Output voltage dB 88 89 90 CTB Composite triple beat dB - - -60 CSO Composite second order distortion dB - - -58 CNR Carrier to noise ratio dB 51 - - S22 Output return loss dB - -10 - f=40 to 870 MHZ Itot Total current consumption dB 140 - 170 VB=6V The module normally operates at VB=6V(±0.5) If you want to know more about our product details, Please reply to get E-catalog and FOC samples, thank you
  •  MDU RFoG FTTB Node
     MDU RFoG FTTB Node
    OBI-Free MDU R-ON(MDU-RFoG-F01)
    MDU RFoG F01.PDF Product Description: The MDU RFoG series FTTB Node is mainly used for RFoG network. “OBI-Free” R-ONU eliminate the Optical Beat Interferences(OBI) that has been an issue in the traditional RFoG deployments. Its return path laser can work in burst or continuous mode.The upstream output optical wavelength can be set as CWDM standard wavelength to shield the OBI effectively.   Features: 1) Support downstream optical AGC, whose control range is -6~0dBm; 2) Adopt electrically adjustable mode for both EQ and ATT circuit using LED displaying screen to modify directly; 3) Upstream output optical wavelength is optional(or specified by the user) . 4) Burst mode is supported; 5) OBI-Free technology on this model support up to 16 R-ONUs transmitting into a single optical input.
  • what is rfog
    what is rfog
    RFoG Mini Node(SDU-RFoG-D01)
    SDU RFOG D01.PDF Product Description: The RFoG Mini Node is a small home optical node specially developed for cable TV operators using the DOCSIS protocol standard, to provide users with two-way,interactive TV and network services. Compared with other two-way optical nodes, this series of products has the characteristics of small size, flexible networking and high cost performance.   FEATURES : 1) Designed for DOCSIS network 2) Forward 1550nm input power: -9~+3dBm, forward AGC Range: -6~+2dBm 3) Forward frequency: 54~1200MHz, EQ 3±1.5dB, RF output level: 73dBuV 4) Reverse 1610nm output Power: 2mW. 5) Reverse frequency: 5~42MHz, RF input level: 75~112dBuV 6) LED on the housing for forward optical power, reverse optical power and 1V/ mW forward optical power. 7) With -20dB RF output test port. 8) Power consumption <3W. 9) Compact Aluminium cast housing, perfect heat dissipation 10) Fully Compatible with SCTE Standards.
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